Addressing the technology concerns of older adults is important for social inclusion, engagement and in many ways daily life.

Shaping Connections is a research program designed to address concerns older adults may have with digital technology in a world where more and more interactions are becoming digitalised.
The Shaping Connections team co-design solutions with older adults and work with organisations and industry to integrate the solutions into their communication strategies.
Key concerns older adults have centre around perceived risks such as privacy, overspending and scams, as well as learning how to use the technology and navigate around the digital world which continues to evolve and grow.
Shaping Connections bridges this gap through their project outcomes which have:
drilled down into how seniors connect and learn about technology through their peers, family and the world around them, and barriers that they may come up against;
looked into perceived digital technological risks and provided resource vignettes to provide more insight for others;
co-designed digital strategies to assist with building confidence to become more aware of how to avoid potential risks; and
created interactive educational tools for seniors and industry to help with navigating the digital landscape.
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