As technology continues to evolve and provide more opportunity for aged care health, we take a look at some key tech trends for ageing and health to look out for in 2023 ...
Tech Trend #1 - In home care tech trends
A move from facility care to in home care utilising technology such as touchless technology and voice enabled interactions (like Google Home) are becoming more and more popular around the world.
Web cameras as well as remote patient monitoring (RPM) and fall protection, highlighted by Bernardo Figueiredo in his recent visit to the Technical Research Centre for Dependency Care and Autonomous Living in Spain, are improving the quality of life and health and wellbeing of older adults.

Tech Trend #2 - Telehealth and remote patient monitoring
COVID19 was the catalyst for telehealth. Between 13 March 2020 and 31 July 2022, 118.2 million telehealth services were delivered to 18 million patients in Australia. As patients become more used to this convenient service, it is expected to continue.
Tech Trend #3 - Electronic prescriptions and the Active Script List
Together with telehealth, more and more doctors are using digital prescriptions instead of traditional paper prescriptions according to, and can be linked to your Active Script List (ASL) which tracks and manages all your prescriptions! 85% of pharmacies across Australia now have access to the Active Script List and can dispense your medicines providing you have given them consent.
Tech Trend #4 - Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Embedded in all of this tech is AI and the trend is set to continue as it becomes a key part of more and more applications that we use in our daily lives. We will see more AI tech used to improve hearing aids for example so they are smaller with improved quality, as well as virtual assistants to remind seniors to take medications and schedule appointments.
However, while new tech trends can be exciting for some old adults, it can also be daunting and cause further disengagement for others according to research from the Shaping Connections team.
Interactive tools to bridge the gap
To assist in helping older adults engage and embrace new technology, interactive tools have been designed to mitigate concerns such as:
Risk perceptions of older adults relating to security and potential harm
What to do in order to find out more information about technology
Try out these unique and valuable interactive tools designed by the Shaping Connections team, to help you or your stakeholders understand more about engaging with the latest and greatest in digital tech - and let us know what you think!
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